Monday, January 12, 2009

What I don't like about the "new" Batman

I enjoy the movies (Batman Begins, Dark Knight) alot. They are interesting exciting movies even if they didn't have the awesome, familiar symbol fighting his way through the night. Ra's Al Ghul, Dent and the joker were interesting, quality portrayals of the villains. All the characters are great. But something didn't feel right. At first I pondered that it was Christian Bale's forced rasp but that wasn't it. I like his portayel of the Batman. So what was it? It was something about the character... Then it dawned on me. Batman doesn't have a tech guy! He is the Q. He is the detective, the inventor and the activist! In these movies he relies on Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), to come up with his more crucial gadgetry. Bruce Wayne is smart and calculating in these incantations, but not the same uber-genius, detective mastermind of the books.

I'm not really complaining. The films are still very impressive and enjoyable...I just wish Batman/Bruce Wayne was even awesomer in it.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm really into Dr Horrible. I'm behind it as much as a medium vehicle as a comedic tragedy. Love it. I'm happily gonna pay my four dollars on Itunes or whatever. Because it's worth it. And I want good quality. And I respect the creator.
Now. Please don't limit my bandwidth based on what you think i might be downloading. I download all the media I can imagine. For free. I , what you might call, pirate music, shows and the very occasional movie. But here's the thing. If it's good enough I'll order the album, buy the series at Fuckin Future Shop, go to the concert of or buy the movie. If it's worthy. I am an artist. I charge people to come see me and my fellows perform for a nominal fee. I believe in artists being paid for their work, but I'm a petty realist. None of us are getting rich. Why the fuck should I give a dollar to Metallica? What does Spielberg or Katzenburg need with my cash. There is a notion that these poets and artists deserve wealth....they don't. entertainment is currently placed on some sort of pedastol. It's rediculous. I love that the bottom has been pulled out from underthe entertainment industry. Creators are now accountable. Companies can't use hype and imagery in the same way. There is a huge growth in Musicians entertaining their own region with support from Local communities. The curtain has been pulled back. Fame is moot. Fuck the industry. Let Hollywood burn!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

PE eras

I'm thinkin my life can be broken into a few major chunks referenced, perhaps by coincidence, to a few personally key Public Enemy songs.

Earlier PE was a whirlwind for development. Between Nations of Millions and Fear of a black planet my life co-incidingly peaked at a heartfelt defiance towards the mundane status quo.

With me, I was angry at all the other kids who seemed to be somehow sexier or more fun then me. I thought everyone and everything except some select authors, musicians and filmmakers were stupid and full of shit.

This anger lasted through some transcontinental voyages and many crappy apartments. Then in a slightly more comfortable abode in the country I was taken by Jesus off He Got Game soundtrack. This inspired a period in which I flourished in my own artistic persuits with no fear of judgement, failure or Public Enemy

And now a new era of enlightenment is upon me with Harder Then You Think, on How To Sell Soul To a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul

Monday, June 2, 2008

Cartoon Violence

Militant Muslims appear to wave the mental capacity of a twelve year old. Enough intelligence to assemble and detonate a bomb, but the reasoning power and sense of reality seems void. I'm not saying all followers of islam are idiots. I'm just saying most of the bombers, vocal advocates of violent responses to non violent acts, and the protesters in general truly wear their education on their sleeves.

After the most recent bombing in Pakistan, I must say the rest of the world is starting to get fed up.

Friday, May 30, 2008

If the King were I

I may be an idiot in many ways, but I am also smarter then perhaps the majority of people I meet. Not the kinda smarter that is worth much. Not the 'study-get-a-job' smart. That's real smart. But smart, like, I can see the world for what it is. I can see the motivations that drive billions to do what they do. This is not a rare insight. You probably have it if you are reading this.
Anyway I figured...if I'm fairly smart with almost no influence, then those with incredible super-wealth those neo-elite, secret club type people must be very smart. We know they exist. This isn't the Bill Gates, Oprah celebrity class I'm talking about, but the uber-wealthy folks who must (almost by default), I assume, run everything of obvious importance. Those people...well...those people must be as smart as I am or even way smarter. OK. What if they were way smarter. Would they have deduced many years ago that we need to retard the growth of the population. China did in a very obvious way with the 1 child policy. Not a bad idea. It might be an important idea. Maybe it could save the world? Our "enlightened", modern, progressive culture would never allow such a freedom restricting act. That may be a perfect example of why the world is doomed under the powerful weight of our selfish sense of personal freedom...

...though, as spoken by a true hypocrite, I would not want to sacrifice my freedoms for almost anything...


What if the uber-class has figured that people running amok is a bad thing as far as the future is concerned. What if they promote smoking, fast food, nitrates, war, STD's etc...even if they encourage (perhaps even created) AIDS to discourage sex and procreation and all this was to keep the happy, less aware, dim masses under control.

Is it possible that they are as crazy as I am , only with a buncha power?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The voice of reason

South Park has been fun since it first aired. I remember some of my geekier friends in the mid nineties show me the Christmas episode when it started circulating (Back then the internet was primarily a play-zone for smarter people who wore black and who had a mutual dislike with their peers) on the web. I wasn't very into it after the first few episodes in the late nineties. I thought it was cool and funny, but after the first season I was kinda bored of it.

Then they blew my little mind with the movie. It felt like someone had hacked into my brain and animated it on a screen. It still reigns as my favourite musical of all time. Then I kept saying I like the movie, but I'm not really into the show. This ignorance kept up until 2006ish. I caught a couple episodes. I forget which one snagged me, but I was soon enthralled. Avid in my watching. Now I respect it as it has matured into one of the sole voices of reason in pop culture. They're continuing commitment to not taking sides has rendered them able to see situations without a 'left' or 'right' clout. They tend to find the middle line in any issue. Be it abortion, terrorism, celebrity, apathy, drugs, greed, family, alcoholism...anything. They even made me look at my own values views in The Twin Towers Deusche episode.

Anyway. I just wanted to share my appreciation of, what I believe to be, some of the finest art on TV...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We need to reduce our numbers

We need more war.
More pestilence.
More Famine and death.

We are, as noted in the Matrix amongst others, a virus.
We are the cancer of the world.
The bane.
The Notion that we are divine, doing the creators work is absurd.

We are not only killing ourselves. Our children. Our loved ones, but we are killing everything that we know to be alive in the universe. We might be the only life in the universe. Maybe the only intelligence, and we're flushing it all away. We will never learn as we are today. We will never overcome as long as the enormous amount of power and influence we all share is coupled with the lack of compassion and thought we all seem to carry.

So I say hate thy neighbour! Kill! Lie! Covet thy neighbours wife until he or she kills you! Hate each other! Treat others the way the extinct animals would treat you if they had knowledge and foresight.

Try to love the greater good.