Friday, May 30, 2008

If the King were I

I may be an idiot in many ways, but I am also smarter then perhaps the majority of people I meet. Not the kinda smarter that is worth much. Not the 'study-get-a-job' smart. That's real smart. But smart, like, I can see the world for what it is. I can see the motivations that drive billions to do what they do. This is not a rare insight. You probably have it if you are reading this.
Anyway I figured...if I'm fairly smart with almost no influence, then those with incredible super-wealth those neo-elite, secret club type people must be very smart. We know they exist. This isn't the Bill Gates, Oprah celebrity class I'm talking about, but the uber-wealthy folks who must (almost by default), I assume, run everything of obvious importance. Those people...well...those people must be as smart as I am or even way smarter. OK. What if they were way smarter. Would they have deduced many years ago that we need to retard the growth of the population. China did in a very obvious way with the 1 child policy. Not a bad idea. It might be an important idea. Maybe it could save the world? Our "enlightened", modern, progressive culture would never allow such a freedom restricting act. That may be a perfect example of why the world is doomed under the powerful weight of our selfish sense of personal freedom...

...though, as spoken by a true hypocrite, I would not want to sacrifice my freedoms for almost anything...


What if the uber-class has figured that people running amok is a bad thing as far as the future is concerned. What if they promote smoking, fast food, nitrates, war, STD's etc...even if they encourage (perhaps even created) AIDS to discourage sex and procreation and all this was to keep the happy, less aware, dim masses under control.

Is it possible that they are as crazy as I am , only with a buncha power?

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