Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm really into Dr Horrible. I'm behind it as much as a medium vehicle as a comedic tragedy. Love it. I'm happily gonna pay my four dollars on Itunes or whatever. Because it's worth it. And I want good quality. And I respect the creator.
Now. Please don't limit my bandwidth based on what you think i might be downloading. I download all the media I can imagine. For free. I , what you might call, pirate music, shows and the very occasional movie. But here's the thing. If it's good enough I'll order the album, buy the series at Fuckin Future Shop, go to the concert of or buy the movie. If it's worthy. I am an artist. I charge people to come see me and my fellows perform for a nominal fee. I believe in artists being paid for their work, but I'm a petty realist. None of us are getting rich. Why the fuck should I give a dollar to Metallica? What does Spielberg or Katzenburg need with my cash. There is a notion that these poets and artists deserve wealth....they don't. entertainment is currently placed on some sort of pedastol. It's rediculous. I love that the bottom has been pulled out from underthe entertainment industry. Creators are now accountable. Companies can't use hype and imagery in the same way. There is a huge growth in Musicians entertaining their own region with support from Local communities. The curtain has been pulled back. Fame is moot. Fuck the industry. Let Hollywood burn!

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