Thursday, February 28, 2008

Religious Yahoos

Kinda sick of innocent people, including children, dying daily in the name of various imaginary father figures telling crazy lost souls what to do. Religious extremists resemble Son of Sam to me. He was a serial killer who justified his actions to himself by imagining his dog was telling him to kill happy couples. Israel. Palestine. You freaks are never going to get your revenge on the 'other side'. It was a mistake to place the Jewish settlement there after WW2. Not really concerned which side believes they are in the right. Both sides have their share of maniacs who believe their own self-righteous bullshit. Hey Israel: You're not really the chosen ones. It's true. You're just a buncha people like the rest of us. Believe whatever you will, but not to the point where you kill. Palestine. You're in a rotten pickle, but a show of strength is only going to satisfy you're hunger for revenge. Rocket strikes will only keep pissing everyone off. It will not lift the blockade around you.

Both sides need to forget the past (including the archaic scripts they live by) and stop throwing (explosive) rocks at each other. Actually come to think of it, it seems you are both suckered by the wealthy to keep buing arms off them and attacking each other.
Some wealthy sociopaths are profiting from you're misguided anger.

Please stop before you create more antisemitism and Arab prejudice around the world. I already hate Israel and Palestine is pissing me off lately too.

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