Monday, March 31, 2008

MAD TV's 15 minutes seem up

I really liked the last couple seasons of Mad TV. Especially last year. There seemed to be some originality, bravity and just plain funny....I don't know exactly what idiotic decisions were made over last summer, but the first warning sign that things were in the crapper were the first few episodes being "best of" episodes. It seemed desperate, but I thought, ah maybe they just need some time to rewrite some things... and then the 'real' season started...

...I like the acting, but I really miss Nicole Randall Johnson, who I feel was the most talented cast member in years. Ike Berinholtz (spl) definately left a void, and I don't feel the new replacements have successfully replaced them.

Something happened to the vision of the writers, too. It feels closer to the uber-crappy SNL. Infact the whole series feels now like the little brother of SNL. Bad ides that repeat for way too long and a focus on simplistic subjects.

Every episode does draw a few chuckles, but more groans. I also get the sense that the actors know it's crappier, but are professional and will do their jobs as well as one can when there is no more love for their art.

It's too bad, but I guess good things don't last, eh.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Race is Bass

This may sound like a Hitler idea, but imagine if we could execute everyone in the world who hated other people based on their race, religion, sex, sexual preference or language... would there be anyone left? I imagine I'd be left, but I might be wrong.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Prednezone Blues

It's a weird thing to be tickled by depression when you're aware that it is brought on as a side-effect. I'm on lung building steroids after a week in the hospital and they warned that I'd experience irritability and depression along with red spots and more crap. Anyways, I turned down the offer for happy-pills to countedr the roids as I didn't like the notion of adding drugs to handle other drugs.
Anyway I started noticing my thoughts gravitating towards the negative. And a sense of futility hung around me. But intelligently I can figure that these emotions and thoughts are essentially fabrications. Side-effects from the meds Sooo, I'm trying to get through the rest of the week as a Vulcan. Existing logically and ignoring my emotions until the bullshit passes.

Maybe I just need a toke.

Friday, March 14, 2008


OK so I just spent a week in the hospital..ICU thank you very much... and have since found a new zest for life. There are so many things undone. So many words unsaid, so many choices which I never bothered to aknowledge. I have been forced into a position in which I am no longer aloud to smoke anything. And I enjoy smoking all of it... Cigarettes were easy to quit. Because it's logical. Having the direct medical excuse gave me a backdor to quit smokes without 'copping out' as most smokers will understand.

Weed was/is a different story. It's such a common, socially acceptable thing (compared to cigs) that the choice to quit seems irrational or atleast unimportant. But it's deceptive. It's too easy to say weed either isn't the problem or that I'm aware it's a problem etc. The fact is weed is one of the problems. there are many and smoking dope every day all day was one. It's not as bad as so many other things... but it's not good

weed makes me passive, insecure, content, relaxed and happy to have weed. It takes the edge off, or more accuratly my edge away...

I do like it though. Alot. And if I didn't have a medical condition that forced me to not smoke, I'd continue doing it, and love doing it all day...
but for now, I'll enjoy the confidant anger that fuels my daily routine