Monday, March 31, 2008

MAD TV's 15 minutes seem up

I really liked the last couple seasons of Mad TV. Especially last year. There seemed to be some originality, bravity and just plain funny....I don't know exactly what idiotic decisions were made over last summer, but the first warning sign that things were in the crapper were the first few episodes being "best of" episodes. It seemed desperate, but I thought, ah maybe they just need some time to rewrite some things... and then the 'real' season started...

...I like the acting, but I really miss Nicole Randall Johnson, who I feel was the most talented cast member in years. Ike Berinholtz (spl) definately left a void, and I don't feel the new replacements have successfully replaced them.

Something happened to the vision of the writers, too. It feels closer to the uber-crappy SNL. Infact the whole series feels now like the little brother of SNL. Bad ides that repeat for way too long and a focus on simplistic subjects.

Every episode does draw a few chuckles, but more groans. I also get the sense that the actors know it's crappier, but are professional and will do their jobs as well as one can when there is no more love for their art.

It's too bad, but I guess good things don't last, eh.

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