Monday, March 17, 2008

Prednezone Blues

It's a weird thing to be tickled by depression when you're aware that it is brought on as a side-effect. I'm on lung building steroids after a week in the hospital and they warned that I'd experience irritability and depression along with red spots and more crap. Anyways, I turned down the offer for happy-pills to countedr the roids as I didn't like the notion of adding drugs to handle other drugs.
Anyway I started noticing my thoughts gravitating towards the negative. And a sense of futility hung around me. But intelligently I can figure that these emotions and thoughts are essentially fabrications. Side-effects from the meds Sooo, I'm trying to get through the rest of the week as a Vulcan. Existing logically and ignoring my emotions until the bullshit passes.

Maybe I just need a toke.

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